Rachel's Graduation
Eastern Kentucky University
"Class Of 1998"
Rachel's Graduation Day was wonderful day. Rachel was full of TEARS and SMILES. It was a bittersweet day for all of us. The Sweet part of it was she had succeeded in the goals that she had set. The bitter was she had to leave all her friends, which was always very important to Rachel.
I was so proud of Rachel, for she did what I could never have done. I, myself, Rachel's momma could not have done what all she had accomplished. Rachel wasn't given a college degree. Rachel worked for it. She served many hamburgers on her feet every off day, she worked to help with her cost of living. I never realized how hard people had to work to get their degree to make themsevles a better way of life, until I saw how hard Rachel had worked. I was one of those people that thought that it was easy; that you had to be rich to go to college. But you don't. All you have to do is be willing to sacrifice and work hard, and Rachel did.
Rachel, momma is so proud of you. I have learned so much through you. I love and admire you so much. You have brought so much happiness and joy to my life. I just can't imagine it without you in it. I am so PROUD of you and always will be. I LOVE YOU RACHEL!!!